Walk No1

Life's just ducky most days!
Some days it's not!
Having friends is good!!!
Sometimes those are very hard to find.
When you have a friend your life is just a little better.
Walk No2

I have to park 3/4 of a mile away from the U of W gym.
I often walk across the nature area.
(inset: U of W Center for Urban Horticulture)
Walk No3

This land area used to be a city dump, now it is a nature research area.
A lot of quality natural plant research is done here.
Some of the research includes native grassland species revegetation trials.
I used to do research on grassland species vegetation types but have not done so for many years.
Walk No4

A view of Lake Washington and the Cascades (looking East across the lake).
The U of W rowing team starts all their workout runs here (with a boat).
Doing skulling all last Summer was certainly fun for me!!
The entire time I did not have a stroke.
Walk No5

In the mid 1970's Seattle capped the dump.
Covering garbage over in your life works, but not well.
Working each day to deal with it is a much better idea.
If you do then all the garbage does not pile up.
This is a lesson learned late in life for me.
(inset: Mt Rainier & grassland research plots)
Walk No6

The U of W Center for Urban Horticulture was built
along the Eastern edge of the resulting nature area.
Going to the gym is really branching out for me.
Lloyd Nordstrom Tennis Center (shown above).
Walk No7

The family is all here.
Be sure to get all your ducks in a row.
This is seldom as easy as it sounds.
I work on this as best I may on a daily basis.
When I get perfect at this I'll let you know.
Walk No8

At the entrance to the U of W shellhouse.
Lots of beautiful rowing shells are here.
At 12 to 40 thousand dollars each that's a lot to shell out.
(inset: A sleek black shell ready for practise.)
Walk No9

A pair of very pretty blue herons nest on the other side of this slough.
They have nested here for a number of years.
They are a very regal pair of birds.
Walk No10

There are seasonal ponds in the middle of the nature area.
You can still see methane bubbling out of the water from the old dump.
Shovler's pond (inset) is dry during the Summer, and a Winter methane bubbler.
Walk No11

It does make a nice warm up walk to the U of W gym.
(inset: Wild blackberries)
Walk No12

Many days the bird watchers are out in force, but seldom right in this paticular area.
(inset: A common species of bird watcher.)
Walk No13

As long as you do not get run over by a speeding bike
while you walk to the gym you are safe.
I have been run over while walking by a speeding car (c 1998).
I was thrown 6 feet in the air and 6 feet down the road.
That tore out both my shoulders, which are still bad.
I have been run over by a bike.
Both times it really hurt.
Walk No14

The area does also have Peregrine Falcons.
Obviously this is not one of them,
but they like to hang out in these trees.
Walk No15

I've paddled this slough many years ago but it is pretty dirty water most of the time.
Walk No16

Losing weight is fairly hard when you are as badly diabetic as I am.
You're supposed always eat, but you're not supposed to eat!
After years of being diabetic this makes perfect sense to me.
Walk No17

When you are diabetic you may eat all the cardboard you desire.
This is according to any dietician I have consulted.
(inset: Hopefully no worms!)
If there is you can't be crabby about it.
Walk No18

Once having lost the weight you're not allow to eat anything ever again,
or you will gain it all back.
At least this is my theory since I have not lost all the weight I need to.
Walk No19

However having a heart attack or kidney failure is not a good choice.
Even with maximum medication my blood sugar is way way too high!!!
Walk No20

If I keel over dead I am going to be really very mad.
My Swiss doctor tells me that is exactly what is going to happen to me!!
I can hardly weight.
Walk No21

Given these choices it seems that losing weight is not such a bad idea.
I guess I'll cross this bridge when I come to it.
None of us are intelligent 100% of the time no matter how smart we are.
I have a photographic memory,
but sometimes I leave the lens cap on.
Walk No22

Behind the U of W baseball field.
I have a slough of work to do.
(inset: turf field cleaning brush)
Walk No23

Paddling along day to day.
That's all any of us need to do!!
Just deal with each day!!!
Sweep the field clean each day.
Walk No24

Don't get stumped.
Try to keep your head above water each day.
Walk No25

Fireweed (Epilobium angustifolium).
Walk No26

Going past the U of W soccer field.
Walk No27

Almost at the IMA.
Try not to take things for granite.
Gym No1

A (purple) sign of the times.
Gym No2
GYM's building! Most days.
The track is at the top of the building.
Gym No3

U of W IMA.
Getting out of bed is the hardest part.
Once you are there you know you'll work out.
Gym No4
Check in at the lobby. They don't let just anyone in,
only a very few old fat guys who need a lot of workout.
Gym No5
Detecto! Very good at what it does.
It's never wrong, and I don't get to talk back to it.
Even though it never says anything it's alway right.
Gym No6
Oh no, way (weigh) too much!
I may complain, but it never listens.
Gym No7

U of W men's locker room.
In order to increase theft please keep all lockers and baskets unlocked at all times.
Gym No8
Me and my (Jim) gym stuff.
Gym No9
Ready to go. All changed.
Gym No10

U of W men's sauna; good after working out.
(inset: I don't lift weights they are way too heavy.)
Gym No11
The easy way to the 4th floor. Why start early.
Some days you just need uplifting.
Gym No12
The track, with me ready to start.
Recently things have been working out for me.
Gym No13
Don't bank on it. Losing weight is hard. I can hardly weight to lose more!!
Gym No14
Everything is up in the air.
Most days are like that.
Gym No15
Stay in your lane. No bad runners please!! Slower traffic stay to the left.
Gym No16
Jim on the move.
One foot in front of the other.
Gym No17
Lake Washington and the Cascades.
A view from the track.
Gym No18
Nine laps make a mile!
The problem with life is it's so daily.
Gym No19
Keep going only a few more laps.
Run a lap. Walk 1/4 of a lap. Run a lap. Walk 1/4 of a lap.
Somehow skulling was a lot less effort (except for getting hit in the chest when the oar catches).
Gym No20
Keep on track, every day!! When you get off track you may always start the day over!!!
Gym No21
Trying. "We try harder", Dane H. Pedersen. c.1967
Gym No22
Feel the strain of pulling.
The daily struggle.
It's a life thing!!
Gym No23
Less stomach ? perhaps.
Gym No24
Works fine without me on it, but then I would lose no weight.
Gym No25
Only 30 minutes to go. I'm roughly 30 pounds lighter,
now only about 25 more pounds to go.
Site and Photographs
By James S. Vilett
© 2011 -
Gym's Site